
Closing Ceremony

We are thrilled to share the recording of our recent closing ceremony, which you can access by clicking the video located at the bottom. The ceremony includes a thought-provoking keynote presentation by Dr. Annie Pullen Sansfaçon titled “Intervenir sans laisser personne derrière: le travail social auprès des jeunes de la diversité des genres dans un

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Practical guide: Using Uber and Google Map to get to the Université de Montréal

Getting to the University of Montréal This is a reminder about the relocation of our conference to the new venue at the University of Montreal (3200 Jean-Brillant, Montréal QC H3T 1N8). To assist you in reaching the new location, we have prepared a guide on how to use Uber, Google Maps, and other transportation options.

Practical guide: Using Uber and Google Map to get to the Université de Montréal Read More »