Featured Presentations & Events

Presentation Guidelines
Paper presentations should consist of summaries and highlights of original work, focusing on innovations in theory, practice, research findings, or policies. Paper presentations are 30 minutes in length (20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for a question and answer period). These are scheduled within a 90-minute session block, with three papers per block. If there are multiple presenters of a paper, the lead presenter will coordinate the paper presentation and ensure the 20-minute time limit is respected.
Poster sessions are designed to highlight practice experiences, theories, or research reports. Posters are displayed for viewing throughout the conference. Poster presenters are expected to stand beside their posters and discuss their work with conference participants during two specific 30-minute time periods scheduled by the planning committee.
- Components of the poster should include:
- Background/Rationale
- Methods/Methodology
- Results
- Conclusions
Many poster presenters supplement their posters with a handout that summarizes their work and provides contact information for further follow-up.
Please note that the poster display board is 7 ft x 4 ft.
A lead presenter will organize approximately four presentations on a theme, coordinating the proposal submission and if invited to present, also coordinating the presenters and facilitating the post-presentation discussion. Panels are 90 minutes in length.
A workshop is a practice-oriented, interactive session designed to illustrate a set of techniques or to present a topic directly related to practice. Workshops should include an exercise that allows participants to practice using the skill. Workshops are 90 minutes in length. The proposal should include a detailed discussion of why this skill is important, how the presenter will teach the skill within a short time frame, and how the presenter will enable attendees to learn more after the session.
Workshops are 90 minutes in length. The proposal should include a detailed discussion of why this skill is important, how the presenter will teach the skill within a short time frame, and how the presenter will enable attendees to learn more after the session.
Conversation Circles
A Conversation circle is a collection of ideas contributed by a group of individuals, each with a different perspective on a common theme. The chair leads the Conversation circle and facilitates discussion on the ideas as they relate to each other and to the overall theme.
Conversation circles are 90 minutes in length. They include two short oral presentations of background information and discussion with a group seated in a circle. The presentation typically is not more than 10 minutes and is followed by discussion and feedback. The presenters are in charge of their Conversation circle format but most will include an extended discussion component with ample time for questions. The proposal should detail the focus of the conversation circle and the way(s) in which it contributes to the body of knowledge in the field. Presenters should bring targeted questions to pose in order to learn from and with those attending