Closing Ceremony

We are thrilled to share the recording of our recent closing ceremony, which you can access by clicking the video located at the bottom.

The ceremony includes a thought-provoking keynote presentation by Dr. Annie Pullen Sansfaçon titled “Intervenir sans laisser personne derrière: le travail social auprès des jeunes de la diversité des genres dans un contexte de désinformation” (Intervening without leaving anyone behind: social work with gender diverse youth in a context of misinformation).

In recent years, several countries have begun to restrict or ban access to gender-affirming care for transgender adolescents. In Canada, there is widespread discourse supporting these restrictions, sometimes leading to political stances both federally and provincially. In Manitoba and New Brunswick, governments have even passed laws limiting the ability for social transition in schools without parental consent. However, organizations like the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health (CPATH), and the Canadian Paediatric Society continue to support gender affirmation for youth, citing cumulative evidence from research demonstrating the benefits of social or medical transitions on well-being.

Social work can play a crucial role in supporting these youth by promoting their self-determination, advocating for their rights, and supporting their struggles for greater social justice. But how do we navigate a context where research evidence is being questioned, and laws in some places prevent the self-determination of these youth? This presentation provides an overview of the current situation in Canada, the latest research evidence on transitions and detransitions, often central to discourses against access to gender-affirming care for minors. It also discusses the role of social work with gender diverse youth and families, as well as the inherent challenges in a context where gender affirmation is increasingly questioned, or even illegal in some environments.

We hope you enjoy the presentation!

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